My E-Health Club

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Join My E-Health Club where you can lose weight, receive online support, obtain valuable and useful health information and win prizes for your participation!* 
You may print out our wonderful and simple Invisible Diet at NO COST.
But we hope that you will join My E-Health Club where the goal goes beyond a workable diet and includes...
  • A rational, acceptable path to overall better health.
  • A forum to tell us what you know, think and feel about the treatment you receive versus the treatment you need.
  • A valued membership role in developing research geared to your health concerns and needs.
  • A tax break for participation.

All for $10 (that's only ten dollars) per year - the best health bargain we know of!  Join now or read more.

Evidence suggests that social support positively influences weight loss and other health-enhancing programs such as quitting smoking, exercising, overcoming fears, etc.  Fortunately, online interaction can be just as effective as face to face contact.  No matter what weight loss plan you are currently using or you may use our Invisible Diet, My E-Health Club can help you maximize its benefits.  We will not stop just with diet; we address health as an overall concept.  Join the Club today and gain access to all these membership benefits . . .

  • Access to a Registered Dietician                                                             Enjoy the opportunity to submit questions to a registered dietician and receive personalized answers. 
  • Connect with an Accountability Partner
    With your permission, we will match you with a diet buddy with whom you can share personal stuggles and successes. 
  • Receive Information 
    Each week, our dietician or invited guest will post an educational or inspirational article addressing an aspect on weight loss or healthy living.
  • Access to Archives
    Members have continuing, complete access to all previous newsletters and archived information.  Search by date or topic.
  • Use our Recipe Database
    Find delicious and healthy options for your favorite meals, perhaps even dinner tonight!  Share your own recipes as well.  
  • Contribute to Weight Loss Research 
    Provide information regarding your own experience to further scientific efforts to better understand the factors that affect wight gain and loss. As we grow in numbers, we may provide the most useful database ever assimilated for this purpose.  When we collectively share our personal knowledge, these untapped resources hopefully will generate new insights into better health.
  • Win Prizes
    As a Club member, you may win monthly gift certificates for adding an entry to the recipe database, submitting your weight loss success story, or recruiting members to My E-Health Club! 

All of these benefits and more for just $10/year.  That's right, for just 83 cents per month, you will receive the support, education, and accountability to make your weight loss dreams a reality.  Click here for enrollment information.

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*Note: The E-Health Club sweepstakes is currently available only to U.S. residents. Certain limitations and restrictions apply. Please review the monthly contest rules posted on for details. Charges may appear on your bill as MyEHealthClub.

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