My E-Health Club

Military Membership

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My E-Health Club salutes and thanks each serviceman and woman who have joined our armed services and served to defend and preserve our freedom.  We know your sacrifices and are humbled by your dedication and service.
We are happy to provide this pilot program and will do so as long as we can at no cost to you.  Membership is offered to all who are on active duty and their spouse.  While diet and healthy living is our focus, we welcome any comments and dialogue.  Please note that we are not a treating service and while those who are injured, hospitalized or disabled are welcome, we may be limited as to specific services you may need.  Still, we believe that a healthy place for like-minded people to dialogue with each other is a health-enhancing forum that ultimately benefits all.
Visit our chat room, leave your comments, read and answer others' comments and allow us, from time to time, to interject our thoughts into the chat room.
By joining, you will have the same options and privileges as all other members in addition to your specialized E-Health Club servicemen/women chat room.
Questions or comments?  Click here.

Copyright 2008. No part of this web site may be reproduced in any fashion without specific written permission.