My E-Health Club

My E-Health Letters

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Dear Member,
Most people do not choose to be overweight nor do they want to be overweight (those who disagree should read next week's newsletter).  Yet this is the #1 epidemic in our society.  Obesity directly results in many health problems, some obvious and some not so obvious, some surprising and some not so surprising.
In addition to the health problems generated by obesity, economic problems also ensue for the individual as well as the public at large.
The fact that there are a multitude of published diets in addition to everyone's individual diet is testament to the public's hue and cry for answers.  Sadly, it is also evidence that no one has put forth an ultimate plan that everyone can accept and follow.  More imortantly, however, many millions of people won't give up, which is proven by their transition from one diet to another to another.  This tells us that they intend to eventually overcome their weight problem.  This is where My E-Health Club is there for you!
My E-Health Club invites you to finally design your realistic, optimum health and weight and your individualized program to accomplish your goal. 
In the coming weeks, we will explore more knowledge about ways to achieve health and normal weight, but also more knowledge about health risks and problems associated with being overweight or underweight.
At your convenience, please provide your answers to 5 simple questions by clicking here
To your better health,
My E-Health Club

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